Series 27 - Safety and Job Procedure Training, and Other Safety Records

Date Range1955 - 1990
Quantity102 cm, 72 files
ProvenancePersonnel - PMA Ltd

Series 27 contains primarily what are believed to be files of the Safety Officer/Safety and Training Officer. This role reported to the Personnel Superintendent (later Personnel Manager) under both the Pigments Plant at Laverton (ICIANZ), and Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited. Personnel and safety/training staff at the plant included W. A. Kellow, J. A. Barnes, J. Duffy, and Barry Hall.

Included in this large series are files containing: safety course information; general operator training and monastral operator training manuals; emergency, fire and fire-fighting training documents; and information on site housekeeping, safety, hazard reduction, and equipment.

As above, most of the files registered in this series are thought to have been assembled by, or retained in, the Personnel department of Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited. Also included are some Imperial Chemical Industries of Australia and New Zealand Limited files pre-dating the formation of PMA Ltd. The provenance of Pigments Plant at Laverton or Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited have been assigned to those items in this series where it was not possible to determine a finer provenance attribution. All the records appear to be related by their content.

This series contains records that are restricted. Please consult the custodian about access.

AccessPartially closed

Inventory Listing

27-1 Safety Course
Image >>

This file appears to be the course notes for the ICIANZ course "Safety for Middle Management", attended by D. Richards from "Pigments".

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1969    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes and Forms
Inventory Identifier PMA0249 Box Number 53 Series 27
27-2 Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited - General Operator Training - A
Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1981? - 1989?    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Diagrams, Loose Notes, Samples or Specimens and Photocopied Documents
Access Closed until 1 March 2016
Inventory Identifier PMA0311 Box Number 120 Series 27
27-3 General Operator Training - D to I
Part 1 of 6

Training manual divided into sections by alpha-dividers. During the archival process, two notes were located.

The first note, found with the document, reads: "Not to be made public for 25 years from March 1991 to March 2016 - General Operator Training - Book 2 - Training Room".

The second note was found inserted in the manual behind the alpha-divider 'E', and reads: "Not to be made public for 25 years from 1991 to March 2016 - General Operator Training - Azo - Ice Plant - Wet Plant - Paste Plant - Training Room - Book 1".

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1980? - 1989?    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Manuals
Access Closed until 1 March 2016
Inventory Identifier PMA0977 Box Number 120 Series 27
27-4 General Operator Training - D to I
Part 2 of 6

Training manual divided into sections by alpha-dividers. During the archival process, two notes were located.

The first note, found with the document, reads: "Not to be made public for 25 years from March 1991 to March 2016 - General Operator Training - Book 2 - Training Room".

The second note was found inserted in the manual behind the alpha-divider 'E', and reads: "Not to be made public for 25 years from 1991 to March 2016 - General Operator Training - Azo - Ice Plant - Wet Plant - Paste Plant - Training Room - Book 1".

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1980? - 1989?    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Manuals
Access Closed until 1 March 2016
Inventory Identifier PMA1198 Box Number 120 Series 27
27-5 General Operator Training - D to I
Part 3 of 6

Training manual divided into sections by alpha-dividers. During the archival process, two notes were located.

The first note, found with the document, reads: "Not to be made public for 25 years from March 1991 to March 2016 - General Operator Training - Book 2 - Training Room".

The second note was found inserted in the manual behind the alpha-divider 'E', and reads: "Not to be made public for 25 years from 1991 to March 2016 - General Operator Training - Azo - Ice Plant - Wet Plant - Paste Plant - Training Room - Book 1".

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1980? - 1989?    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Manuals
Access Closed until 1 March 2016
Inventory Identifier PMA1199 Box Number 120 Series 27
27-6 General Operator Training - D to I
Part 4 of 6

Training manual divided into sections by alpha-dividers. During the archival process, two notes were located.

The first note, found with the document, reads: "Not to be made public for 25 years from March 1991 to March 2016 - General Operator Training - Book 2 - Training Room".

The second note was found inserted in the manual behind the alpha-divider 'E', and reads: "Not to be made public for 25 years from 1991 to March 2016 - General Operator Training - Azo - Ice Plant - Wet Plant - Paste Plant - Training Room - Book 1".

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1980? - 1989?    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Manuals
Access Closed until 1 March 2016
Inventory Identifier PMA1200 Box Number 120 Series 27
27-7 General Operator Training - D to I
Part 5 of 6

Training manual divided into sections by alpha-dividers. During the archival process, two notes were located.

The first note, found with the document, reads: "Not to be made public for 25 years from March 1991 to March 2016 - General Operator Training - Book 2 - Training Room".

The second note was found inserted in the manual behind the alpha-divider 'E', and reads: "Not to be made public for 25 years from 1991 to March 2016 - General Operator Training - Azo - Ice Plant - Wet Plant - Paste Plant - Training Room - Book 1".

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1980? - 1989?    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Manuals
Access Closed until 1 March 2016
Inventory Identifier PMA1201 Box Number 120 Series 27
27-8 General Operator Training - D to I
Part 6 of 6

Training manual divided into sections by alpha-dividers. During the archival process, two notes were located.

The first note, found with the document, reads: "Not to be made public for 25 years from March 1991 to March 2016 - General Operator Training - Book 2 - Training Room".

The second note was found inserted in the manual behind the alpha-divider 'E', and reads: "Not to be made public for 25 years from 1991 to March 2016 - General Operator Training - Azo - Ice Plant - Wet Plant - Paste Plant - Training Room - Book 1".

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1980? - 1989?    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Manuals
Access Closed until 1 March 2016
Inventory Identifier PMA1202 Box Number 120 Series 27
27-9 ICI - The SOHEP Record, and Other Papers

Also contains 3M product brochure and handwritten notes.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1989    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier PMA0312 Box Number 53 Series 27
27-10 Monastral A and B Operator Training, and Other Papers

Includes training documents and schedules, diagrams of sections of the plant, invoices, etc.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1962 - 1974    Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Diagrams, Memoranda, Loose Notes and Schedules and/or Timetables
Inventory Identifier PMA0313 Box Number 53 Series 27
27-11 Job Safety Analysis, and Other Papers

Includes job description, operator training schedule, job safety analysis papers and forms, information on hazards, etc.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range c. 1963 - 1984    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Diagrams, Loose Notes, Forms and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0314 Box Number 53 Series 27
27-12 Fire Fighting Training

The inscribed title on the file cover is "Fire Training".

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1984 - 1986    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier PMA0315 Box Number 53 Series 27
27-13 Emergency Instructions and Procedures

Includes organisational chart.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1966 - 1986    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Diagrams and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier PMA0316 Box Number 53 Series 27
27-14 Fire Drill and Fire Brigade Competitions

Some papers in this file are inscribed either "Mr. A. Kellow" (papers dated 1 December 1965 and earlier), or "Mr. J. Duffy" (2 December 1965 to 1970).

One paper features the name "Mr. D. R. Cullen", as well as the initials "AK".

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1964 - 1971    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda, Loose Notes and Photocopied Documents
Inventory Identifier PMA0317 Box Number 53 Series 27
27-15 Operator Training Schedules, and Other Papers

Mostly related to filtration training.

Creator Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats Diagrams, Drafts, Loose Notes and Drawings
Inventory Identifier PMA0318 Box Number 53 Series 27
27-16 Fire Protection Equipment, Servicing and Training, and Other Papers
Part 1 of 2

Alarm fault reports, invoices for fire equipment services and fire hose tests, fire fighting equipment inspection lists, information and brochures on fire and safety equipment, factory fire team lists, fire training and emergency procedures documents, etc.

A number of papers at the start of the file are addressed to or feature the name Barry Hall or his initials.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1985 - 1990    Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Diagrams, Reports, Memoranda and Manuals
Inventory Identifier PMA0319 Box Number 53 Series 27
27-17 Fire Protection Equipment, Servicing and Training, and Other Papers
Part 2 of 2

Alarm fault reports, invoices for fire equipment services and fire hose tests, fire fighting equipment inspection lists, information and brochures on fire and safety equipment, factory fire team lists, fire training and emergency procedures documents, etc.

Some earlier training documents are inscribed with the name "Mr. A. Kellow". Other papers feature the name J. Duffy.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range c. 1964 - 1982    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Diagrams, Reports, Memoranda and Manuals
Inventory Identifier PMA1203 Box Number 53 Series 27
27-18 Environment Protection and Hazards Reduction
Part 1 of 2

Several papers contain references to W. A. Kellow or D. K. Grant.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1965 - 1980    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Diagrams, Ephemera, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Drawings and/or Plans, Photocopied Documents, Manuals and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA0320 Box Number 53 Series 27
27-19 Environment Protection and Hazards Reduction
Part 2 of 2

Many papers are inscribed with "Mr. W. A. Kellow" or a variation.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1962 - 1981    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Ephemera, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes, Drawings and/or Plans, Photocopied Documents, Forms and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA1204 Box Number 53 Series 27
27-20 Equipment
Part 1 of 2

Contains brochures, invoices and other papers on forklifts and lifting equipment, training and equipment, product information, quotes, invoices, etc. Also includes a small number of documents on safety and reporting incidents.

A number of the papers are addressed to or inscribed with the name Barry Hall.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1967 - 1987    Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Accounts, General Correspondence, Ephemera, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Proposals and/or Submissions, Specifications, Manuals and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA0659 Box Number 54 Series 27
27-21 Equipment
Part 2 of 2

Contains forklift operators training course, rules and safety, brochures, and other papers on forklifts and lifting equipment, training and equipment, product information, quotes, invoices, etc. Also includes a small number of documents on safety and reporting incidents.

Many of the papers are addressed to or inscribed with the name Barry Hall.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1966 - 1990    Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Accounts, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Specifications and Manuals
Inventory Identifier PMA1205 Box Number 54 Series 27
27-22 Site Housekeeping - Asbestos and Other Hazards
Part 1 of 2

Several photocopied publications from the Asbestosis Research Council, forklift training attendance forms and other training records, safety competition documents, housekeeping rating forms, etc.

A number of papers in this file feature the name B. Hall. Most of the housekeeping rating forms look to have been distributed to J. Duffy.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1966 - 1989    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Legal Documents, Lists, Specifications and Manuals
Inventory Identifier PMA0660 Box Number 54 Series 27
27-23 Site Housekeeping - Asbestos and Other Hazards
Part 2 of 2

Includes primarily papers on industrial clothing. Also contains papers on equipment and training.

The majority of papers feature the name W. A. Kellow.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1962? - 1969?    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Legal Documents, Specifications and Manuals
Inventory Identifier PMA1206 Box Number 54 Series 27
27-24 Safety Equipment Inspection Lists
Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1972?    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier PMA0661 Box Number 54 Series 27
27-25 Plant Safety Inspections

Contains details of safety inspections, reports and handwritten inspection reports and notes by Barry Hall, the plant safety officer at this time.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1988 - 1990    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents and Lists
Inventory Identifier PMA0662 Box Number 54 Series 27
27-26 Safety and Environment - BASF Visit to PMA
Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1986 - 1987    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports, Memoranda and Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier PMA0663 Box Number 54 Series 27
27-27 Electrical Distribution System and Safety Training

Includes electrical distribution system main substation diagrams, manual handling guidelines, safety training, etc.

Some documents are inscribed "Mr. W. A. Kellow" or look to have been sent or distributed to him. Some early documents feature the name T. Clark.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1963 - 1979?    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Diagrams, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier PMA0664 Box Number 54 Series 27
27-28 Training Sessions

Includes papers on lifting and carrying, forklifts, safety training, occupational health training, a safety program, clearance certificate training, first aid, manual handling, fire fighting, etc.

The majority of the papers feature the name B. Hall.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1984 - 1989    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Ephemera, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents and Lists
Inventory Identifier PMA0665 Box Number 54 Series 27
27-29 Induction Training, Azo Standardising Procedures, and Other Papers

Includes mostly papers on operator training and azo standardising procedures. Also includes diagrams, training schedules, and a small number of social club papers including a social club memo and social club minutes.

A number of documents are signed by W. A. Kellow. One document looks to have been distributed to Barry Hall.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1960 - 1988    Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Diagrams, Drafts, Ephemera, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes, Schedules and/or Timetables and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA0666 Box Number 54 Series 27
27-30 Draft Securement Standards for Vehicles Leaving Factories and Stores

The first paper in this file includes the handwritten inscription "J. Duffy - for your files".

Creator Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1967?    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Diagrams, Drafts, Memoranda and Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier PMA0667 Box Number 54 Series 27
27-31 Safety Competition February 1985, and Other Papers

Includes monthly safety competition forms and safety and housekeeping inspection forms.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1985 - 1986    Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Forms and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0923 Box Number 55 Series 27
27-32 Safety Competition May 1986, and Other Papers

Includes monthly safety competition forms and safety and housekeeping inspection forms.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1985 - 1988    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Forms and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA1207 Box Number 55 Series 27
27-33 Factory Induction Programme

Includes induction schedules and timetables, organisational charts for the ICIANZ pigments plant at Laverton, lists of attendees, and health and safety information.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1963 - 1983    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Tables of data and Charts
Inventory Identifier PMA0924 Box Number 55 Series 27
27-34 Regulations for Storage of Inflammable Liquids

Includes documents on the storage of petrol and other volatile liquids.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1955? - 1971?    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Memoranda, Loose Notes and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier PMA0925 Box Number 55 Series 27
27-35 Unusual Incident and Injury Reports, Memos, and Other Papers

Includes unusual incident reports, dangerous occurrence reports, injury reports, and memos on clearance certificates, injury report forms and accident report procedures.

The majority of papers in this file are written by or signed by Barry Hall, the Safety/Training Officer from 1985 to 1990.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1985 - 1989    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Ephemera, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Forms and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA0926 Box Number 55 Series 27
27-36 Protective Gear; Gas Analysers - MSA Data Sheets and Publications

Some papers in this file are inscribed "B. Hall" or "BH". Also contains a report by D. Richards.

MSA refers to the Mine Safety Appliances Company.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range c. 1970 - 1988    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Reports, Loose Notes and Published Papers or Articles
Inventory Identifier PMA0927 Box Number 55 Series 27
27-37 Nitro-Cellulose Regulations and Data Sheets for Transoprene Range
Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1967? - 1975?    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Photocopied Documents and Legal Documents
Inventory Identifier PMA0928 Box Number 55 Series 27
27-38 Noise Control, Hearing Conservation, and Other Papers

Many papers are inscribed "WAK - File". Also includes memos to W. A. Kellow.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1969? - 1979?    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Diagrams, Reports, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Talks and/or Speeches, Photocopied Documents, Legal Documents and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA0929 Box Number 55 Series 27
27-39 Memos to Employees Re: Audiogram Test Results

All memos are signed by W. A. Kellow, Personnel Superintendent.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1977 - 1979    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier PMA0930 Box Number 55 Series 27
27-40 Product Information - Protective Visors, Gas Analysers, Safety Cans, Safety Harnesses

Includes some papers addressed to J. Barnes, and one addressed to J. Duffy.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range c. 1968 - 1988    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, Ephemera, Photocopied Documents and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA0931 Box Number 55 Series 27
27-41 Accident Statistics, Safety Targets, Unusual Occurences, and Other Papers
Part 1 of 2

Parts 1 and 2 contain records of absentees, accidents, reports, injury statistics, safety records, dangerous occurrences, organisational charts, etc.

Also includes a notice outlining the appointment of Barry Hall as Safety Officer, and the responsibilities of that role.

A number of papers are inscribed with the names or initials of W. A. Kellow or Barry Hall.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1962 - 1990, Parts 1 and 2    Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda, Loose Notes, Lists, Forms, Tables of data and Charts
Access Closed until 1 May 2066
Inventory Identifier PMA0932 Box Number 55 Series 27
27-42 Accident Statistics, Safety Targets, Unusual Occurences, and Other Papers
Part 2 of 2

Parts 1 and 2 contain records of absentees, accidents, reports, injury statistics, safety records, dangerous occurrences, organisational charts, etc.

Also includes a notice outlining the appointment of Barry Hall as Safety Officer, and the responsibilities of that role.

A number of papers are inscribed with the names or initials of W. A. Kellow or Barry Hall.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1962 - 1990, Parts 1 and 2    Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Memoranda, Loose Notes, Lists, Forms, Tables of data and Charts
Access Closed until 1 May 2066
Inventory Identifier PMA1208 Box Number 55 Series 27
27-43 Product Information - Safety Signs

Most of the papers in this item are inscribed "BH - File".

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range c. 1984    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence and Ephemera
Inventory Identifier PMA0933 Box Number 56 Series 27
27-44 Simplex Time Equipment

Contains letters, product brochures and information, service records, etc. from Simplex International Time Equipment Pty. Ltd.

The letters are addressed to Mr. A. Kellow.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1974 - 1976    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Ephemera and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA1004 Box Number 56 Series 27
27-45 Operator Training and Safety Information

Includes hand-drawn diagrams, operator training schedules and information. Also includes safety brochures, occupational health information, etc.

A number of papers in this file are inscribed with the name "Mr. A. Kellow", or look to have been written by or distributed to him. Other papers feature the names or initials of J. Duffy, J. Barnes or B. Hall.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1963 - 1989    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Diagrams, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Sketches, Photocopied Documents, Schedules and/or Timetables, Tables of data and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA1005 Box Number 56 Series 27
27-46 A Report on the January 8th, 1969, Grass Fires and Their Effect on the Laverton Factory
Creator Pigments Plant at Laverton
Date range 1969    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports
Inventory Identifier PMA1006 Box Number 56 Series 27
27-47 Stencilling Equipment, Work Orders, and Other Papers

Includes an injury report form, brochures and product information for linemarking and stencilling equipment, and papers regarding engineering work orders, job procedures, standing orders, and clearance certificates.

Several papers are inscribed with the initials "JHO", believed to refer to J. H. Owens. Other papers are inscribed with the names Mr. A. Kellow, or Mr. T. Cowper.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1962 - 1987?    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Ephemera, Reports, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Forms and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA1007 Box Number 56 Series 27
27-48 Eye Protection Guidelines, Staff Survey and Product Information
Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range c. 1966 - 1985    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Ephemera, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Legal Documents, Tables of data and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA1008 Box Number 56 Series 27
27-49 Occupational Health Guide - Industrial Organic Solvents, and Other Papers

Contains the following documents: Occupational Health Guide - Industrial Organic Solvents, Environment Protection Agency form (signed by B. Hall), and a booklet about handling solvents.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1975 - 1990    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Published Reports and Forms
Inventory Identifier PMA1009 Box Number 56 Series 27
27-50 Audio Visual Lists

"The Reporter" catalogues, a list of films, tapes etc. from the Productivity Promotion Council of Australia, minutes of a Productivity meeting. One Item is initialled JHO (presumed to be J. H. Owens, Personnel Manager)

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1984 - 1986    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Minutes and Agendas and Lists
Inventory Identifier PMA1010 Box Number 56 Series 27
27-51 Safety Signs Product Information

Includes written by or addressed to by Barry Hall (Safety Officer), and a memo from Anna-Lee Cribb, Personnel Manager from February 1989.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range c. 1981 - 1990    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Forms and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA1011 Box Number 56 Series 27
27-52 Safety Guides, and Other Papers

Drake general health and fire procedures, deluge systems, pavement markings, handwritten notes by Barry Hall, business cards, National Safety Council of Australia poster and product prices and other papers, Victorian Industrial Safety Convention Industry and Commerce Group posters, and a State of Victoria Department of Labour and Industry Guide to Safety booklet.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1980? - 1987?    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Loose Notes, Lists, Brochures and Business Cards
Inventory Identifier PMA1012 Box Number 56 Series 27
27-53 Medical Supplies

Includes memos from Barry Hall.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range c. 1967 - 1989    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Facsimile Transmissions, Lists and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA1013 Box Number 56 Series 27
27-54 Cytology Tests, Injury Reporting and Other Papers

Several papers are written by or look to have been distributed to Barry Hall or J. Owens.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1986 - 1989    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Ephemera, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Legal Documents, Lists, Forms, Brochures and Business Cards
Inventory Identifier PMA1014 Box Number 56 Series 27
27-55 Gas and Resuscitation, Safe Handling, and Recording Work Injury Papers

Includes brochures and information on resuscitation equipment, papers on the properties and hazards of various gases, notices regarding first aid, various Australian standards to do with injury, chemical safety, gas etc., forklift operator instructions and procedures.

Some papers are inscribed with "J. Duffy", and a small number of papers are inscribed with or written by "A. Kellow".

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1962 - 1989    Quantity 4.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Ephemera, Reports, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Legal Documents, Lists, Tables of data, Manuals, Brochures and Business Cards
Inventory Identifier PMA1015 Box Number 56 Series 27
27-56 Safety Floor Coverings and Coatings

Several papers are written by or look to have been distributed to Barry Hall, and a technical bulletin addressed to Mr Kellow. Includes some first aid information.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1962 - 1988    Quantity 2 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Ephemera, Loose Notes, Published Reports, Photocopied Documents, Lists and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA1016 Box Number 57 Series 27
27-57 Noise Surveys and Tests
Part 1 of 2

Several correspondence addressed to A. Kellow, Noise Dose survey record Sheets readings are taken by J. Barnes, and one by Kellow, and some papers addressed to or initialled Barry Hall, and a note initialled JHO (thought to be J. Owens).

Includes Audio Test Results.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1974 - 1988    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Diagrams, Graphs, Reports, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Lists and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA1028 Box Number 57 Series 27
27-58 Noise Surveys and Tests
Part 2 of 2

Includes a letter to DK Grant and a copy, one of them inscribed "WAK to file" (dates 1973), memos to Mr Kellow; Noise Dose Survey Record Sheets, the majority are blank, but the first two have been filled out by Barry Hall; correspondence and promotional material regarding overhead transparencies and presentation equipment; information on hearing conservation, and some correspondence that looks to have been distributed to J. Duffy (1967).

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1967 - 1985    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Diagrams, Graphs, Reports, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Forms and Tables of data
Inventory Identifier PMA1209 Box Number 57 Series 27
27-59 Accident Records, Injury Reports and Other Papers

Accident Records, Injury Reports, photos, lots of handwritten injury reports from the 1960s, information on fire extinguishers, safety glasses etc., air pollution information, notes on exits, and other occupational health issues.

Includes papers that look to have been distributed to A. Kellow and Barry Hall, and many drafts or notes written by Barry Hall.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1965 - 1989?    Quantity 5 cm, 1 file
Formats Reports, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Drawings and/or Plans, Mounted Photographic Prints, Photocopied Documents, Lists, Forms and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA1029 Box Number 57 Series 27
27-60 ICIANZ Safety Council Minutes
Image >>
Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1964 - 1971    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Diagrams, Reports, Memoranda and Minutes and Agendas
Inventory Identifier PMA1030 Box Number 57 Series 27
27-61 Safety Handling Pamplets, Brochures, Leaflets

Most of the papers are regarding manual handling. The first document in the file is initialled "BH" (presumed to be Barry Hall).

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range c. 1963 - 1989    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Ephemera, Lists and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA1031 Box Number 57 Series 27
27-62 Security Manual, MSS Security Coverage, MSS Bulletins, Lockwood Special Key Systems

Includes an ICIANZ Pigments Plant Laverton Security Manual.

Several of the letters are from Barry Hall, and there are handwritten loose notes which appear to be written by Barry Hall.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1960? - 1990    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Reports, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Lists and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA1032 Box Number 57 Series 27
27-63 Safe Handling Precautions, and Other Papers

Includes papers to do with forklift training, safety equipment, blank safety competition forms.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1974? - 1984?, Could not find an end date; used the end date of the box these papers were found in.    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Ephemera, Lists, Forms and Brochures
Inventory Identifier PMA1120 Box Number 57 Series 27
27-64 Boots, Shoes and Protective Footwear

This file contains advertising material, correspondence and other papers regarding protective footwear. The title "Boots, Shoes" has been taken from a tab on the suspension file that originally housed these papers. The first document in the file is inscribed "J. Duffy". Also includes correspondence addressed to Mr Kellow.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1961 - 1972    Quantity 1.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Correspondence, Ephemera, Loose Notes and Lists
Inventory Identifier PMA1210 Box Number 57 Series 27
27-65 Safety Officer Papers

Safety competition forms, memo from J. Barnes regarding factory inspections, minutes of a safety meeting that look to have been distributed to J.A. Barnes, minutes of the bromination/chlorination meeting that look to have been distributed to J.A. Barnes, Safety eequipment and fire fighting equipment inspection lists, catalogue of protective clothing and other safety equipment, newspaper clipping about industrial safety problems, accident investigation report inscribed "J. Duffy", handwritten lists of injuries to staff (1964-1968).

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1964 - 1981    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats Accounts, General Correspondence, Memoranda, News Clippings, Loose Notes, Photocopied Documents, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier PMA1211 Box Number 58 Series 27
27-66 Safety Films

The first letter in this file is from J. A. Barnes; also includes letters from or inscribed with W. A. Kellow, and notices about film showings at the Pigments Plant from or inscribed "J.A. Duffy". Primarily papers regarding safety films. Also includes papers on manufacturing processes.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1964 - 1980    Quantity 3.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier PMA1212 Box Number 58 Series 27
27-67 Staff Immunization, Fire Safety, and Other Papers

This file begins with a leaflet intialled "W.A.K. [crossed out] - J.B.". It includes many handwritten reports and lists, as well as papers about gas cylinders, photocopied articles about explosion hazards, chlorine handling, respirator masks, tetnus immunization memos from J.A. Barnes Safety Officer, cardiopulminary resuscitation training, draft of "A Report on the January 8th, 1969, Grass Fires and Their Effect on the Laverton Factory" entitled "Investigation by Safety Officer" with handwritten comments by the works engineer, fire safety and fire fighting equipment, fire alarm tests, communication with the Metropolitan fire Brigade, handwritten documents signed by J. Duffy.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1960 - 1984    Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Drafts, Ephemera, Memoranda, Loose Notes, Drawings and/or Plans, Photocopied Documents, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier PMA1213 Box Number 58 Series 27
27-68 Fire Safety, and Other Papers

Includes Metropolitan Fire Brigade Board service and test forms, notes on burning off, test certificates, installation alarm points, and other documents about fire prevention.

Also includes black and white photographs of what appear to be fire drills, papers on fire drills and fire teams, notes on a safety talk, emergency instructions, notes for training on emergency procedures, documents on films and list of films, correspondence to the safety officer; and meeting minutes from the PMA social club and management committee meetings which look to have been distributed to J. A. Barnes.

Several documents are addressed to or inscribed with the name J. A. Barnes.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1961 - c. 1985    Quantity 3 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence, Ephemera, Memoranda, Minutes and Agendas, Loose Notes, Photographic Film Negatives, Loose Photographic Prints, Photocopied Documents, Lists and Forms
Inventory Identifier PMA1214 Box Number 58 Series 27
27-69 Safety Competition

The title of this item was inscribed on the file. Some documents are signed or initialled by John Owens.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1986? - 1989?, No dates - range used are the dates J. Owens was Personnel Manager.    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 file
Formats Photocopied Documents and Proposals and/or Submissions
Inventory Identifier PMA1215 Box Number 58 Series 27
27-70 Safety Products

Pamphletts and promotional material about safety equipment and gear. Also includes some loose notes and calculations.

Some documents are inscribed "W. A. Kellow" or a variation on his name.

Creator Personnel - PMA Ltd
Date range 1976? - 1985?    Quantity 4 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, Loose Notes and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA1216 Box Number 58 Series 27
27-71 Leichnitz, Kurt (comp.), Detector Tube Handbook: Air Investigations and Technical Gas Analysis with DRÄGER Tubes, Dräger, 4th Edition (August 1979)
Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range August 1979 - August 1979    Quantity 1 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications
Inventory Identifier PMA1217 Box Number 58 Series 27
27-72 Protective Clothing, Eye Protection, and Other Papers

Pamphletts and promotional material about safety equipment and gear. Includes file separators inscribed: "Miscellaneous", "Protective Clothing", "Eye Protection", and "Head, Face and Respiratory Protection".

Some documents are inscribed "W. A. Kellow" or a variation on his name.

Creator Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited (PMA Ltd)
Date range 1964? - 1979?    Quantity 2.5 cm, 1 file
Formats General Publications, General Correspondence and Lists
Inventory Identifier PMA1218 Box Number 58 Series 27

Published by the The University of Melbourne, eScholarship Research Centre on AustehcWeb, December 2008
Listed by Barbara Cytowicz, Ann McCarthy, Gavan McCarthy, Michael Jones, Rachel Tropea
HTML edition
Updated 30 March 2009

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