Series 41 - Lance E. Rowley's Notebooks

Date Range1974 - 1984?
Quantity17 cm, 5 notebooks
ProvenanceDevelopment - PMA Ltd

Lance E. Rowley was a Development Officer, later Senior Development Officer, in the Development department of Pigment Manufacturers of Australia Limited, a position he retained until the closure of the Laverton plant in 1991.

Contained in this series are a selection of laboratory notebooks created by Rowley between 1974 and 1984. The books contain handwritten notes and calculations, as well as a number of sample cards attached to pages throughout.

Inventory Listing

41-1 Lance Rowley - Book 2 1974-75
Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1974 - 1975    Quantity 2 cm, 1 notebook
Formats Notebooks, Loose Notes, Samples or Specimens and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA0177 Box Number 72 Series 41
41-2 Lance Rowley - Lab Notebook - 1978-1981
Part 1 of 2

The inscribed title on the notebook is "L. Rowley - 1978-1981 - Nov - May".

Includes index headed "Lab Notebook - L. Rowley - Oct 78-".

Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1978 - 1981    Quantity 6 cm, 1 notebook
Formats Notebooks, Samples or Specimens and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA0179 Box Number 72 Series 41
41-3 Lance Rowley - Lab Notebook - 1978-1981
Part 2 of 2

The inscribed title on the notebook is "L. Rowley - 1978-1981 - Nov - May".

Includes index headed "Lab Notebook - L. Rowley - Oct 78-".

Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1978 - 1981    Quantity 6 cm, 1 notebook
Formats Notebooks, Samples or Specimens and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA1219 Box Number 72 Series 41
41-4 Notebook 1981-1982

There is no inscribed title or index for this item. Believed to be a notebook of Lance Rowley.

The first note in the book is on page 6, and is titled "Analysis of CPCB samples for PCBs" dated 27/5/81.

Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1981 - 1982    Quantity 2 cm, 1 notebook
Formats Notebooks, Samples or Specimens and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA0178 Box Number 72 Series 41
41-5 Notebook 1983-1984

There is no inscribed title or index for this item. Believed to be a notebook of Lance Rowley.

The first note in the book is on page 4, and is titled "Laboratory Grinding of a-Form blues for Polyethylene".

Creator Development - PMA Ltd
Date range 1983 - 1984    Quantity 2 cm, 1 notebook
Formats Notebooks and Calculations
Inventory Identifier PMA0180 Box Number 72 Series 41

Published by the The University of Melbourne, eScholarship Research Centre on AustehcWeb, December 2008
Listed by Barbara Cytowicz, Ann McCarthy, Gavan McCarthy, Michael Jones, Rachel Tropea
HTML edition
Updated 30 March 2009

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