Series 18 - Lecture Notes from St. Bartholemew's Hospital - Medical College and Monash University

Date Range1813 - 1966
Quantity12.5 cm, 25 files
ProvenanceAlan John (Jock) Marshall

Class notes, overhead projections, press cuttings, lecture notes, typescripts, manuscripts, publications, chart

Inventory Listing

18-1 St. Bartholomew's Medical College - Lecture notes and working papers

Lecture notes on Histological Technique - revised February 1953. Includes journal extracts on Darwin, Lamarck and Huxley: H.G. Cannon 'Darwin and Lamarck' in Main Current in Modern Thought May 1959; D.J. Foskett 'Wilberforce and Huxley on Evolution' in Nature 7 August 1954; G.H. Beale 'Timiriazev, Founder of Soviet Genetics' in Nature 11 January 1947.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1947 - 1959    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-1 Series 18
18-2 St. Bartholomew's College and Monash University - Lecture notes

Notes for lectures given in 1965 and adapted from St. Bartholomew's lecture notes circa 1950. Edited 1951-1958 and 1965. Includes material on: Evolution and Selection, Nature versus Nurture (Human breeding), Endocrinology, Sensory organs and general human physiology.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1950? - 1965?    Quantity 1.7 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-2 Series 18
18-3 St. Bartholomew's College and Monash University - Lecture notes

Notes for lectures given in 1966 and adapted from St. Bartholomew's Lecture Notes circa 1950. Edited 1951-1959 and 1964, 1966. Includes introductory lectures on science and history of biology and medicine, general zoology lectures, and reprint of 'Endocrine Dysfunction in a Nakalanga Dwarf' by AJM and J.K.T. Cherry Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene vol.55, 1961.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1950? - 1966    Quantity 2.7 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-3 Series 18
18-4 St. Bartholomew's College and Monash University - Lecture notes

Notes for lectures on physiology of reproduction, 1951, modified 1952 and 1953.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1951 - 1953    Quantity 1.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-4 Series 18
18-5 St. Bartholomew's College and Monash University - Lecture notes

Notes for lecture of 1966(?) adapted from St. Bartholomew's lecture notes 1951 for Animal Physiology (advanced).

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1951 - 1966?    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-5 Series 18
18-6 St. Bartholomew's College and Monash University - Lecture notes

St. Bartholomew's lecture notes, edited and revised 1955, 1957, 1961 and 1964 - Mendelism, Genetics, Genetics of Sex, Hæmophilia.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1955 - 1964    Quantity 0.6 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-6 Series 18
18-7 St. Bartholomew's Medical College - Lecture notes

Includes typescript: 'On a new Variety in the Breeds of Sheep' by Col. D. Humphreys. 14 January 1813. Includes working notes and extract; New Scientist 28 February 1957. File marked 'Lecture notes given 1958-59'.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1957 - 1959, 1 item 1813    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-7 Series 18
18-8 St. Bartholomew's Medical College - Notes for practicals

'Directions for the removal of reproductive organs of birds'. Also in 'Danish'.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1951? - 1959?    Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-8 Series 18
18-9 St. Bartholomew's Medical College - Lecturing aids

Geological and Evolutionary Time Scale Chart.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1953?    Quantity 0.1 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-9 Series 18
18-10 Monash University - Lecture notes and working papers

Material for lecture(s) on Darwinism. Includes typescript and manuscript of lecture, and press and journal cuttings: 'Displacement activity in Human Behaviour' - New Scientist 26 September 1957. Letters to The Age: 'Probing the Origin of Life' - The Age 25 October 1961.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1957 - 1961    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-10 Series 18
18-11 Monash University Biology 1 Practical Notes

Class notes on osteology, anatomy and dissection procedures.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-11 Series 18
18-12 Monash University (?) overhead projections

Amphibian anatomy and organ systems.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-12 Series 18
18-13 Monash University (?) overhead projections

Avian and Proavian anatomy.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-13 Series 18
18-14 Monash University (?) overhead projections

Invertebrate zoology - Annelida and others.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-14 Series 18
18-15 Monash University (?) overhead projections

Coelenterata zoology - general

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-15 Series 18
18-16 Monash University (?) overhead projections

Protozoan, Hydran zoology. Darwin and Mendel.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-16 Series 18
18-17 Monash University (?) overhead projections


Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-17 Series 18
18-18 Monash University (?) overhead projections

Fishes - Amphibian transition.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-18 Series 18
18-19 Monash University (?) overhead projections

Protochordates and human evolution.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-19 Series 18
18-20 Monash University (?) overhead projections

Fishes - general.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.6 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-20 Series 18
18-21 Monash University (?) overhead projections

Mammalian zoology - general.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.5 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-21 Series 18
18-22 Monash University (?) overhead projections

Mammalia - comparative anatomy.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.3 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-22 Series 18
18-23 Monash University overhead projections

Reptilia - evolution.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.4 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-23 Series 18
18-24 Monash University overhead projections

Mammalian evolution.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1961? - 1966?    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-24 Series 18
18-25 Monash University - Miscellaneous notes and papers

Includes class material 'A Generalised Animal Cell' 1963 and journal cuttings: 'The Fact of Evolution' - The Rationalist January 1963 (includes letter by M.J.D. White); 'Earth and the Scientist' - Time 29 June 1962; 'Burnet on Biology' - Lab-Talk June 1964; 'On the Natural Superiority of Pigs' - Turtox News October 1962.

Creator Alan John (Jock) Marshall
Date range 1962 - 1964    Quantity 0.2 cm, 1 File
Inventory Identifier 18-25 Series 18

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, May 2004
Listed by Gavan McCarthy, Oscar Manhal, Bill King, Leigh Swancott, Mark Scillio and Rosanne Walker
HTML edition Ailie Smith
Updated 9 November 2007

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