Series 19 - The Australian Association of Scientific Workers Drugs Sub-Committee

Date Range1939 - 1946
ProvenanceVictor Martin Trikojus

Correspondence, reports, preparation details, notes, typescripts, publications, memoranda, diagrams.

Note: The A.A.S.W. Drugs Sub-Committee, which met at semi-monthly intervals, functioned mostly as a technical advisory committee of the Medical Equipment Control Committee of the Department of the Army (See 19/5)

Inventory Listing

19-1 Medical Equipment Control Committee and the A.A.S.W. Drugs Sub-Committee

Correspondence, reports; including W.H. Lockwood, F.C. Kent, Sir Alan Newton, Dr. Adrien Albert, Professor E. Ashby

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range December 1939 - July 1941    Quantity 0.4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-1 Box Number 85 Series 19
19-2 Drugs Sub-Committee, Essential Drug Survey

Report by Adrien Albert on: i) The aeridine antiseptics, ii) The anti-malerials, iii) The morphine substitute: Dolantin

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range 9 May 1940    Quantity 0.1 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-2 Box Number 85 Series 19
19-3 Drugs Sub-Committee, May and Baker 693 (Dagenan)

Confidential Report: Laboratory Preparation of M & B 693 (Dagenan) 8 July 1940; correspondence

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range July 1940 - October 1940    Quantity 0.5 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-3 Box Number 85 Series 19
19-4 Drugs Sub-Committee re synthesis of Carbarsone, Acetylarson, Sulphapyridine, Sulphathiazoles, Sulphaguanidine and Merthiolate

Preparation details (typescript and manuscript), correspondence, notes, reports

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range 1940 - 1942    Quantity 0.8 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-4 Box Number 85 Series 19
19-5 Drugs Sub-Committee relating to Merthiosal, Phenobarbitone, Ascorbic Acid, Malic Acid

Correspondence, reports: including A.A.S.W. Second Report of Drugs Sub-committee, April 18th 1940 - August 14th 1941; Bayer Pharma Pty. Ltd.; Colonial Sugar Refining Company Ltd.; Conference of Scientific Liaison Officers, October 10th 1942; Report by A. Albert on his visit to Melbourne, 31st August 1942; report on Proposed Technical Production of Drugs by Bayer-Pharma (Aust.); R.G. Smith, Nicholas Pty. Ltd.

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range 1940 - 1942    Quantity 0.6 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-5 Box Number 85 Series 19
19-6 Drugs Sub-Committee relating to Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Sulphanilyl Guanidine

Correspondence, reports: including J.H.L. Cumpston; Murial Crabtree; Sir Alan Newton; Bayer-Pharma Pty. Ltd.; A.A.S.W. Commonwealth Research Grants' Committee Applications; Experiments on the Improvement of Treatment of Mustard Gas Lesions of the Skin

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range March 1941 - December 1941    Quantity 0.4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-6 Box Number 85 Series 19
19-7 Terminal Reports by R.M. Gascoigne on leaving the Department of Medicine 1st May 1941

Reports tendered: (a) of luminal, (b) pathological stains

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range 13 May 1941    Quantity 0.2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-7 Box Number 86 Series 19
19-8 Drugs Sub-Committee Reports

Correspondence, reports: including Summary of Present Position concerning Synthetic Ascorbic Acid 24 September 1941; Emergency Pharmacopoeia; Novacaine, Sulpha Drugs, January 1942; Ascorbic Acid, December 1941 - January 1941

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range September 1941 - January 1942    Quantity 0.3 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-8 Box Number 86 Series 19
19-9 Report on Visit to Melbourne by A.A. Abbie, 11-12 August 1941

Correspondence, report

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range August 1941 - December 1941    Quantity 0.2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-9 Box Number 86 Series 19
19-10 Report on Visit to Melbourne by V.M. Trikojus for Drugs Sub-Committee

Interviews with Sir Alan Newton, Dr. D.E. White, Mr Morris Nicholas, Prof. R.D. Wright

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range 29 January 1942 - 30 January 1942    Quantity 0.1 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-10 Box Number 86 Series 19
19-11 Drugs Sub-Committee relating to Sulphaguanidine and dysentry

Correspondence: including Prof. E. Ashby; Sydney Hospital; R. Lemberg; Prof. Davies; Sir Alan Newton, Dr. F.H. Shaw; Australian Fertilizers Limited; Professor Fawsitt; Dr. D.E. White

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range January 1942 - May 1942    Quantity 0.4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-11 Box Number 86 Series 19
19-12 Drugs Sub-Committee and related material

Correspondence: including N.B. Lewis, Kodak (Aust.) Pty. Ltd.; I.W. Wark; notes, publications: including 'Relative Acidity and Basicity of Sulphanilomide and p. Aminobenzoic Acid' by Adrien Albert and Reginald Goldacre, Nature Vol. 149 p. 245, February 28, 1942

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range January 1942 - September 1942    Quantity 0.2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-12 Box Number 86 Series 19
19-13 Drugs Sub-Committee relating to Atebrin

Correspondence, notes, reports: including Ways of Making "Atebrin" (Mepaerine B.P.), by Adrien Albert; Professor E. Ashby; Sir Alan Newton; Professor J.C. Earl; Dr. D.E. White

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range March 1942 - August 1942    Quantity 0.2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-13 Box Number 86 Series 19
19-14 Drugs Sub-Committee relating to Zephinan, Dengue fever Mosquito, Corbasone, Sulphaguanidine, Merthiosal, Phenobarbitone

Correspondence, reports, notes, publications: including Drug Houses of Australia; C.S. Teece, Commissioner of Patents; Allied Land Forces; Dr. D.E. White; F.H. Shaw; Lt. Col. E. Meyers, Professor E. Ashby; Bayer Pharma Pty. Ltd; R.S. Wallace; R.N. Robertson, Ajax Chemical Co. Pty. Ltd.; Professor J.C. Earl

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range March 1942 - August 1942    Quantity 0.6 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-14 Box Number 86 Series 19
19-15 Drugs Sub-Committee relating to Ascorbic Acid

Correspondence, reports, memoranda: including W. Hermon Slade & Co. Pty. Ltd.; O.T. Lempriere and Co. Pty. Ltd.; Colonial Sugar Refining Co. Ltd.; I.W. Wark; Glaxo Laboratories (Aust.) Pty. Ltd.; Maize Products Pty. Ltd.; Sir Alan Newton; Walter Hoadley Cereal Products; Professor E. Ashby

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range April 1942 - August 1942    Quantity 0.4 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-15 Box Number 86 Series 19
19-16 Drugs Sub-Committee relating to Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) and Malic Acid

Correspondence, notes, diagrams: including I.W. Wark; R.N. Robertson; Sir Alan Newton; F.H. Shaw; C.S. Teece; Dr. E. Weston Hurst, Elliots and Australian Drugs; Roche Products Ltd.; D. Martin

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range February 1942 - October 1942, February 1942, August-October 1942    Quantity 0.3 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-16 Box Number 86 Series 19
19-17 Drugs Sub-Committee relating to Carbasone, Mersalyl and Merthiosal

Correspondences, notes; including 'Carbasone' Supplementary report to the Drugs Sub-Committee by R.I. Nicholson; Robert F. Condon, Sir Alan Newton; State Salvage Office, N.S.W.; R.G. Smith

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range October 1942 - December 1942    Quantity 0.2 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-17 Box Number 86 Series 19
19-18 Medical Equipment Control Committee

Drug Research Newsletter, notes, correspondence: including Sir Alan Newton and M.R. Lemberg

Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range October 1942 - April 1943, October-December 1942, March-April 1943    Quantity 0.1 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-18 Box Number 86 Series 19
19-19 Final letters of thanks regarding the winding up of the Medical Equipment Control Committee and the Drugs Sub-Committee
Creator Victor Martin Trikojus
Date range 1946    Quantity 0.1 cm,
Inventory Identifier 19-19 Box Number 86 Series 19

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, May 2004
With support from The University of Melbourne, The Ian Potter Foundation, The Myer Foundation and The Bank of Tokyo
Listed by Gavan McCarthy and Howard Sankey, with assistance from Renae Alexander, Rita Hutchison and Andrew Taylor, index by Miranda Hughes
HTML edition Ailie Smith and Fabian Parker
Updated 14 November 2007

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