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History of Research in the Bureau of Meteorology




Chapter 1: Germination and Growth

Chapter 2: Struggle, Competition and Emergence
The Struggle for Recognition
International Involvement
Local Cooperation
The Bureau Goes Solo

Appendix 1: Meteorology Act 1906

Appendix 2: Meteorology Act 1955

Appendix 3: Simpson Report

Appendix 4: Survey Questionnaire

Appendix 5: Bibliography



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Commonwealth Meteorological Research Centre (continued)

No doubt, it was this belief that prompted him to recommend that the Centre should become "part of the Division of Atmospheric Physics with some Bureau staff formally attached there to work on the CMRC research programme". At the same time, the Bureau should take on the role of bedding down and maintaining the operational models developed by CMRC rather than require such work be performed by Centre staff. I gather that Tucker continued to push this recommendation from the time he became Chief of the then Division of Atmospheric Physics, in 1973, until the establishment of BMRC, in 1985, and it is still his opinion even today some months after his retirement from CSIRO (Tucker in a personal communication). Indeed, the responses to my survey suggest that this was one of the reasons for the Australian Numerical Meteorology Research Centre's (ANMRC) demise (see later).

Tucker's views on the subject of the separation of the three types of institutions engaged in meteorology, universities, research groups and the service departments—particularly the last two—are set out in an article[79] published in 1976.

In this paper, he suggested that the departments were dominated by pragmatism, driven by the need to get the forecast out on time. Everything was assessed in terms of its utility in achieving that goal and that long-term projects were generally viewed poorly from that perspective. On the other hand, according to Tucker research scientists reacted strongly against such short-term pressures, preferring instead to adopt long-term approaches to the questions confronting them.

Included in Tucker's solution to this dilemma was the suggestion that management should discourage name-calling by either side and, instead, encourage each group to see the other as a partner in the process of formulating and tackling the issues facing them. He also suggested the adoption of flexible management techniques capable of acknowledging the differences between the groups, but still able to treat them equally so that neither side felt neglected. In addition, he noted the necessity of establishing an appropriate interface between the parties, but admitted that it was easier said than done. It would seem that Tucker was speaking from personal experience here since, as has already been pointed out, this was one of the major problems facing CMRC and the ANMRC.

Organisations in Australian Science at Work - Australian Numerical Meteorology Research Centre; Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre

People in Bright Sparcs - Tucker, Gilbert Brian

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Gardner, J. 1997 'Stormy Weather: A History of Research in the Bureau of Meteorology', Metarch Papers, No. 11 December 1997, Bureau of Meteorology

© Online Edition Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre and Bureau of Meteorology 2001
Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher