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Federation and MeteorologyBureau of Meteorology
Table of Contents

Memories of the Bureau, 1946 to 1962





Chapter 1: The Warren Years, 1946 to 1950

Chapter 2: International Meteorology
Meetings of the IMO Technical Commissions in Toronto
The IMO Conference of Directors, Washington DC
The US Weather Bureau
Meeting of IMO Regional Association for the South-west Pacific
Meetings of the IMO International Meteorological Committee

Chapter 3: The Timcke Years, 1950 to 1955

Chapter 4: A Year at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Chapter 5: The Dwyer Years, 1955 to 1962

Chapter 6: A Springboard for the Future

Appendix 1: References

Appendix 2: Reports, Papers, Manuscripts

Appendix 3: Milestones

Appendix 4: Acknowledgements

Appendix 5: Summary by H. N. Warren of the Operation of the Meteorological Section of Allied Air Headquarters, Brisbane, 1942–45



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The US Weather Bureau (continued)

My memories of my return to Australia are dim. A map with route traversed suggests that I visited New York and Boston before returning to San Francisco. Most of my travelling in the US was by train.

My passport shows arrival Honolulu from Australia 14 July 1947, admitted to Canada from Seattle, Washington, 22 July, returned Sydney, 13 November 1947. It seems likely that I made visits to meteorological centres in the US before returning from San Francisco by BCPA DC4 to Sydney.

Bursting with the exhilaration of my overseas exploits I returned to the Bureau wearing a bow-tie I had acquired. On the first day at our Central Office after my return one of my colleagues in the Bureau looked up from his desk with the greeting "Hello Bill. Have you been away ?". Undeterred I continued to wear the bow tie for some time and was designated 'Washington Willie' by Mattie Mattingly, the barmaid at the City Court Hotel, a favourite watering hole of Bureau people at that time.

As mentioned in Chapter 1, while busily trying to apply lessons learnt in Toronto and Washington in my work in the Bureau, I had much to do in our new home in Blackburn. I have fond memories of that home where, with Audrey's assistance and indulgence and the help of my dear friend and colleague Ralph Holmes, we had many happy gatherings of friends and colleagues in our back garden where I had built an outdoor fireplace on which Ralph and I barbecued chops and sausages which were consumed with good Australian beer. Some months after my return our son, Gregory, was born. Life was very busy with our small family, our host of new friends, a new house and garden to care for and a developing career in meteorology to occupy much of my time.

People in Bright Sparcs - Holmes, Ralph Aubrey Edward; Warren, Herbert Norman

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Gibbs, W. J. 1999 'A Very Special Family: Memories of the Bureau of Meteorology 1946 to 1962', Metarch Papers, No. 13 May 1999, Bureau of Meteorology

© Online Edition Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre and Bureau of Meteorology 2001
Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher