3 - Australian Society for Immunology

Date Range1970 - c. April 1988
Related Provenance
ControlledSecretariat (1984 - ) [1984 - c. April 1988]
RelatedHonorary Secretary (c. 1970 - ) [c. 1970 - c. April 1988]
SubsequentAustralian Society for Immunology Incorporated (c. 1988 - c. 1991)

The Australian Society for Immunology, or ASI (first called the Australian Society of Immunologists) was formed in 1970 to provide interaction and communication between immunologists in Australia.

ASI's origins can be found in several informal or unstructured meetings of Australian immunologists in the 1960s. Notably, in 1962 Derrick Rowley hosted a small meeting in Adelaide which included most of the working immunologists in Australia. Rowley is said to deserve credit for bringing the Australian Society of Immunologists together. And, in 1963, Frank Macfarlane Burnet held a similar meeting in Melbourne. Macfarlane Burnet is seen by some to be a father figure to the immunology group.

Following these early gatherings, in December 1969 a symposium on "Aspects of Antibody Formation and Unresponsiveness" was held under the name "The Australian Society of Immunologists".

ASI was formally established as a national society in 1970. The following year the ASI Constitution was passed and the Society held its first Annual Meeting. From then on, the Society held meetings, lectures and symposia for immunologists and students of immunology, provided funding (travel bursaries) to allow students to attend events, and published newsletters to keep its members informed of new developments in the field, appointments, new publications, job vacancies, upcoming conferences, etc. ASI also aided in the formation of other societies and organisations such as the Clinical Immunology Group (CIG).

In 1986, ASI became the sponsor of the journal Immunology and Cell Biology, published by Blackwell Scientific Publications, which became the official journal of the Society.

ASI was incorporated in 1988 to reduce liability for the individuals involved, and to allow the Society to act as a group, forming the Australian Society for Immunology Incorporated. For further information on the next stages of the Society, see the provenance entries for the Australian Society for Immunology Incorporated, and the Australasian Society for Immunology Incorporated.

1962Derrick Rowley hosted a small meeting in Adelaide which included most of the working immunologists in Australia. Rowley is said to deserve credit for bringing the Australian Society of Immunologists together.
1963Frank Macfarlane Burnet held a similar meeting in Melbourne. Macfarlane Burnet is seen by some to be a father figure to the immunology group. In the early days, meetings were informal and unstructured.
1967The Cold Spring Harbour Symposium was seen as an historical meeting due to the widespread approval for the "Clonal Selection" theory as the correct framework for Cellular Immunology.
8 December 1969A symposium on "Aspects of Antibody Formation and Unresponsiveness" is held under the name "The Australian Society of Immunologists", prior to the formal establishment of the Society.
1970The Australian Society of Immunologists is established as a national society.
1971The formal constitution for the Australian Society of Immunologists is voted in unanimously.
1972The Australian Society of Immunologists changes its name to the Australian Society of Immunology (ASI).
1978An amendment to the ASI's constitution is passed.
1980The constitution of the Australian Society of Immunology is amended again, to allow affiliated organisations to have direct representation on council. Fay Turner is appointed Executive Officer.
1983An amendment to the ASI's constitution is passed.
1984The Victorian Post Graduate Medical Foundation becomes the Secretariat of the ASI, with R. R. Briggs as Executive Officer.
1985The Australian Society of Immunology changes its name to the Australian Society for Immunology. New Zealand joins the ASI's Annual General Meetings.
1986The ASI becomes the sponsor of the journal Immunology and Cell Biology, which becomes the official journal of the Society.
c. April 1988The ASI is incorporated, becoming the Australian Society for Immunology Incorporated (ASI Inc.). Incorporation gives the Society legal status, allowing it to operate as a group as opposed to a collection of individuals.

Published by the The University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre on AustehcWeb, September 2009
ISBN 978-0-7340-4119-7
Listed by Gavan McCarthy, Harry Ward, Lisa Cianci, Helen Morgan, Michael Jones and Ann McCarthy
HTML edition
Updated 6 April 2011

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