Series RACI003 - Royal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch

ProvenanceRoyal Australian Chemical Institute - New South Wales Branch

The records of the New South Wales Branch of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute are held at the State Library of New South Wales. Manuscript numbers ML MSS 4522 and ML MSS 4522-1861.

Related Series
Sub Series

052  Committee / Council Records 1957 - 1979

050  Membership Applications - Associates, Graduates and Juniors 1919 - 1983

051  Membership Applications - Students 1969 - 1983

105  New South Wales Branch - Awards and Prizes 1909 - 2005

093  New South Wales Branch - Branch Administration 1969 - 2006

102  New South Wales Branch - Careers Nights 1979 - 1997

101  New South Wales Branch - Conferences, seminars and annual branch events 1974 - 2005

095  New South Wales Branch - Correspondence 1982 - 2006

096  New South Wales Branch - Finance Records 1946 - 2006

100  New South Wales Branch - Groups, sections and affiliate organisations 1968 - 2006

094  New South Wales Branch - Meeting Minutes 1970 - 2005

097  New South Wales Branch - Membership Records 1949 - 2005

098  New South Wales Branch - Newsletters 1978 - 2006

104  New South Wales Branch - Nyholm Lectures 1979 - 2005

103  New South Wales Branch - President's Dinners 1992 - 2001

099  New South Wales Branch - Publications 1984 - 2006

053  NSW Branch - Administrative Records 1942 - 1979

054  NSW Branch Minute Books 1923 - 1984

Published by the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre on AustehcWeb, March 2004
Listed by Gavan McCarthy, John Spink, Helen Morgan and Bill King
HTML edition Gavan McCarthy
Updated 2 April 2008

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