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Technology in Australia 1788-1988Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
Table of Contents

Chapter 5

I 1788 - State Of The Art In Textile Technology

II Australian Textiles - The Early Days
i Wool Fabric Manufacture
ii Cotton and Flax
iii The 19th Century - Automation Accelerated in Textile Technology

III Australian Textiles - The 20th Century

IV Australian Textiles - To Date

V Acknowledgements



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10 Noble combing -separates noil from top. Wool from punch balls A is drawn from the boxes by knife B, lifted from the pins at C and then pressed onto the pin by brush F where the large D and small E circles are closest. As the pins separate by the rotation of the circles, two fringes are formed. The fringe on the large circle is combed by the pins of the small circle and conversely. At G and H the fringes are drawn from the pins which comb the trailing ends of the fibres. The Fibres from G and H are combined to form the 'top' sliver. Short fibres or noil remaining in the small circle at H, are removed from the pins by knives at J and are sucked away at K. Short fibres remaining in the large circle are fed into the small circle at the next cycle of operations.

  Figure 10

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© 1988 Print Edition pages 268 - 269, Online Edition 2000
Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher