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Federation and MeteorologyBureau of Meteorology
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History of Research in the Bureau of Meteorology




Chapter 1: Germination and Growth

Chapter 2: Struggle, Competition and Emergence
The Struggle for Recognition
International Involvement
Local Cooperation
The Bureau Goes Solo

Appendix 1: Meteorology Act 1906

Appendix 2: Meteorology Act 1955

Appendix 3: Simpson Report

Appendix 4: Survey Questionnaire

Appendix 5: Bibliography



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The Committee of Inquiry into the Bureau of Meteorology (continued)

With regard to the CSIRO, the Bureau[17] document pointed out that Australia was almost unique in having a major government-supported meteorological research effort outside the control of the national weather service. It noted that the establishment of what had then become the Division of Atmospheric Physics, resulted from the acceptance of the views contained in the Simpson report and argued that such notions had been rejected by all Simpson's successors in the British Meteorological Office. The Bureau also drew attention to the discussions surrounding the creation of the Division and, in particular, to an agreement to the effect that the existence of the Division and its studies of particular problems in meteorological physics should not be interpreted as any indication that CSIRO should or indeed could fulfil the role that the Bureau on its part should play in research.

Whilst it acknowledged the international success and practical benefits of the work done by CSIRO staff, the Bureau suggested that the nation may have been better served had the resources been directed towards the universities and itself instead. No evidence was offered in support of this somewhat questionable statement.

The Bureau suggested that CSIRO'S meteorological expertise should be focussed on the wide range of trans-disciplinary problems relating to the environment, which it (CSIRO) was best equipped to handle. The Bureau welcomed the interaction between its own staff and those of CSIRO which such an approach would bring. If, on the other hand, the government decided not to increase the level of resources for meteorological research, the Bureau argued that priority should be given to supporting its particular needs, as suggested by the CSIRO itself in earlier times.

On the future of ANMRC, the Bureau's[17] response again advocated that the Centre's research program be taken over by Bureau staff. It acknowledged the scientific achievements of the Centre, but asked whether these may not have been at least as great had they been undertaken within the Bureau. Once again, the circumstances leading to the formation of the CMRC were reviewed and the widespread support for a Bureau in-house research program was put on display. It noted that the setting up of such a program would not preclude the continuation of ANMRC, but would remove the major reason for its future existence.

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Gardner, J. 1997 'Stormy Weather: A History of Research in the Bureau of Meteorology', Metarch Papers, No. 11 December 1997, Bureau of Meteorology

© Online Edition Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre and Bureau of Meteorology 2001
Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher