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Technology in Australia 1788-1988Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
Table of Contents

Chapter 9

I Introduction

II The Australian Chemical Industry

III Pharmaceuticals
i Prosperous pioneers
ii War-time pharmaceutical chemistry
iii Commonwealth Serum Laboratories
iv Post-war pharmaceutical manufacture
v Public sector policies

IV Chemists In Other Industries

V The Dawn Of Modern Chemical Industry - High Pressure Synthesis

VI The Growth Of Synthetic Chemicals - Concentration, Rationalisation And International Links

VII Australian Industrial Chemical Research Laboratories

VIII The Plastics Industry

IX The Paint Industry

X Acknowledgements



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Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (continued)

In 1974 Dr Neville McCarthy was appointed Managing Director of CSL by then (since 1961) a Commonwealth statutory authority. In a changing climate he faced and achieved the difficult and at times contradictory feat of continuing to provide nationally important drugs and services which could not be provided economically by the private sector while at the same time operating as a commercial enterprise producing adequate profits. In addition, as the nation's largest pharmaceutical manufacturer with significant resources in research and development, CSL also shouldered -judiciously and selectively -the task of assisting with some new developments emerging from the many disperse activities of academic centres during the bio-technology wave of the 1970s and 1980s. CSL's own research branched out into original work in peptide synthesis (1986) which opened up new opportunities in flexible, high speed production and studies of protein segments and their structure, which hold promise of a major advance in this field.

From a broad perspective CSL's role may be seen in three phases: The Penfold establishment years which gave early demonstration of the value of a national manufacturing base for biologicals; the Morgan/Bazeley era which put Australia's manufacture of vaccines, penicillins and blood products on a footing comparable to world standards and encompassed the post-war transition to modern pharmaceuticals; and the current phase, initiated in 1961 with the changed status of CSL to a profit oriented statutory enterprise now successfully continuing its past roles with vigorous commercial operations and prospects of a new phase of drug development from its own research (Fig. 16).

Figure 16

16 Modern stainless steel vaccine fermenter at CSL.

Organisations in Australian Science at Work - Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (C.S.L.)

People in Bright Sparcs - McCarthy, Dr Neville

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© 1988 Print Edition pages 663 - 664, Online Edition 2000
Published by Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, using the Web Academic Resource Publisher